Monday, June 9, 2008

The Existence of G-d

My strongest argument for the existence of G-d is that I have within me a certain knowledge of G-d's presence. This is not a feeling or a craving, it is a certainty grounded within me and I see it also outside myself in others and in nature. I'm unsure, however, if this is translatable to you except through my artwork. Even still, I don't know if I've transmitted those particular signals clearly or strongly enough. And what of the condition of your antenna? You may not be tuned into that frequency.

So my next best argument is an image of perfection that I believe we all harbor. And If you don't harbor one, you might sense the absence of it. I believe we all hold within us a need and a desire for perfection, nirvana, heaven, etc. I see it expressed clearly from others in art, architecture, music, and also in forms which I judge to be more twisted and desperate. I see it as persistent, pushing it's own way through no matter what.

And I recognize the divide that lies between where I'm at and the image of perfection I hold. The division triggers pain in me. I can't let it go.

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